Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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allegedly according to what has been claimed although not proven.
alloy a substance made by mixing two or more metals or a metal and another substance.
aspect a part or element.
circuit an act of moving or turning around.
expire to come to an end.
extinction the act or process of becoming or making extinct.
hoax an act meant to trick or deceive.
hostility the state of being unfriendly or full of hate.
opus a work of fine or literary art, especially a musical composition numbered to indicate its chronological place in the composer's works.
partition a wall or partial wall that separates or divides space.
perish to die or be destroyed by violence or in some other way that is not natural.
polarize to cause to concentrate around opposite points.
proprietor an owner, or group of owners, of a business enterprise, real property, or the like.
successor a person or thing that comes after or follows another.
virtually practically; almost completely; very nearly.