Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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contraband goods banned by law from being imported or exported.
discernible able to be perceived or distinguished.
encampment a place where a rough, temporary living area has been set up.
epoch an important period in human history.
fanfare a flourish of trumpets, used to mark an entrance or beginning.
incisive marked by clear, penetrating thought; sharp.
lackluster without brilliance or vitality; dull.
magnanimity generosity or willingness to forgive.
maritime of or relating to sea ships or navigation of the sea.
obscene offensive and not decent.
ostentatious done or designed with the intention of impressing others and consequently overly showy or grandiose; pretentious.
proscribe to make illegal or prohibit.
sequel what follows afterwards, such as the next event in a series, especially as it arises from previous events.
supercilious showing an arrogant disregard, as a look, manner, or person.
uncharacteristic not typical of a particular person, group, or thing, and therefore notable.