Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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acknowledge to admit the truth or existence of.
boon something that is a help or benefit.
cloak a long, loose, outer garment without sleeves.
comparable nearly the same or equal in degree or quality.
environmental of or having to do with the surroundings of something, especially the natural surroundings.
finale the last part of a piece of music.
heartland a central land area, especially one considered to be economically, politically, or militarily vital to a nation or region.
intellectual of or having to do with the intellect.
intimidate to cause to become timid or afraid, especially by means of threats.
negotiable subject to discussion and revision, as terms in an agreement or contract.
ration a fixed share or portion.
seismic of, concerning, or resulting from an earthquake.
simulation something that imitates or resembles, or the fact of resemblance itself.
spasm a sudden uncontrolled contraction of a muscle or group of muscles.
tart1 sour or acid in taste; sharp; biting.