Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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chute a passage down which things may slide in order to be moved from one area to another.
confine to keep within limits; restrict.
forlorn desolate or unhappy, as from abandonment or weariness.
gash a long and deep cut, such as a wound.
genetic of, concerning, caused by, or influenced by heredity, especially by genes.
guardian a person who guards or protects.
lawyer one whose job is to help people with legal matters and represent them in court; attorney.
pace rate of movement.
pursue to follow in order to reach or catch; chase.
ramble to wander or stroll without any particular goal; roam.
relieve to make less painful or troubling; ease.
snout the front part of an animal's head that sticks out. The snout includes the nose, mouth, and jaws.
surface the outside limit or top layer of something.
treason the betrayal of one's country by going to war against it or giving information to its enemies.
vehicle something used to carry and move people or things.