Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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argue to give reasons for or against something.
barrier something that blocks the way such as a fence or wall.
crush to cause to lose shape or become flat by pressing or squeezing very hard.
elderly old or aging.
exception the act or fact of leaving out.
extension the act of making longer in size or length of time.
hardware all the physical parts of a computer.
inspection an official review or examination.
magazine a printed collection of stories, pictures, articles, and advertisements. Magazines come out weekly, monthly, or at some other regular period of time.
medal a flat, small piece of metal that has a design or words stamped on it, used as an honor or reward.
parade a public procession of people, marching bands, or vehicles in front of spectators as part of a celebration or ceremony.
plastic an artificial substance made from certain kinds of chemicals that can be easily shaped when soft. Plastic is formed into many materials and products.
spade1 a tool shaped like a shovel and used for digging. A spade has a long handle and a flat blade that can be pushed into the ground with a foot.
twist to combine by winding together in order to make a single thread.
wealth a large amount of money or property or the state of having such.