Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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batch an amount used or produced at one time.
detective a person, often a police officer, whose job is to find information that will solve crimes.
disappointment the feeling of being unhappy because what was wished or hoped for did not happen.
documentary a film that explores real facts and events and often includes photographs or short videos of the events as they happened.
draft a rough piece of writing that needs more work; sketch.
embarrass to make uncomfortable or ill at ease.
fruitful producing a rich and abundant growth.
graze1 to feed on growing grass.
huddle to move close together or push in against one another when sharing something such as heat.
previous coming just before another.
signature a person's written name, used to sign documents, letters, or checks.
symptom a sign of something.
telescope an instrument that uses lenses and sometimes mirrors to make distant objects appear larger.
version a description or report in a particular style or from one point of view.
visible able to be seen.