Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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aggressive mean and unfriendly in one's actions; ready to argue or start fights.
bate to moderate or control; restrain.
expose to uncover or reveal.
impertinent rude or too bold.
impress to make a strong impact on (someone), especially a positive impact.
likewise as well; also.
marvel a thing, person, or event that causes wonder or amazement.
pith weightiness, significance, or importance.
psychological of or having to do with psychology.
ration a fixed share or portion.
relevant related to what is being discussed or is presently important.
renegade a member who rejects the common beliefs or attitudes of a group such as a religious sect, political party, or business organization.
signify to serve as a sign of; mean.
specialist a person who has knowledge or is an expert in a single area of study.
surprisingly in a way or in an amount that is not expected.