Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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band1 a group of people or animals acting together.
chill a mild but uncomfortable coldness.
connect to join together.
cousin the son or daughter of an aunt or uncle.
hole an open or hollow place in something.
joke a short story with a funny ending that is told to make people laugh.
pail a container with steep sides and a handle; bucket.
point the sharp end of something.
reply to give an answer.
skip to move forward by jumping on one foot and then on the other.
sting to make a tiny hole in the skin that causes pain.
swing to move or cause to move backward and forward around a point.
terrify to fill with great fear or terror; scare.
war a time of very great fighting between countries or groups of people.
wheel a round thing that turns in circles and allows cars, trucks, bicycles, and other things to move.