Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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abrogate to abolish, repeal, or nullify by authority.
apprehensive feeling fearful about future events.
declivity a downward or descending slope.
delectation enjoyment; delight; pleasure.
devolve of a duty or the like, to be passed on to someone else.
dilatory used to cause a delay.
extralegal not regulated or permitted by law; outside of legal authority.
fledge to grow flight feathers.
inquest a legal investigation, usually involving a jury, especially a coroner's investigation of a suspicious death.
maunder to speak in an aimless or foolish way; babble.
minatory presenting a threat; menacing.
nonfeasance in law, failure to perform a required duty, as by a public official.
nonpareil a person or thing whose excellence is unequaled; paragon.
obtrusive aggressive and self-assertive, or inclined to be so.
occlude to close or obstruct (a passage or opening, one's vision, or the like).