Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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adulterate to make worse or impure by adding unnecessary or inferior ingredients.
amenable willing to respond, agree, or submit; agreeable; pliable.
conclusive serving to reach a final answer or decision, or to settle.
debase to reduce in value, quality, esteem, or character.
malady an illness of the body or mind.
naturalistic exhibiting or pertaining to naturalism.
obligatory required; compulsory.
opportune favorable or suitable, especially in relation to time.
partake to take part; participate (usually followed by "in").
perturb to cause great disturbance in (the mind); agitate or worry.
ponderous heavily labored and dull.
portal a doorway or entrance, especially a large and imposing one.
recurrent happening again or repeatedly.
stodgy lacking the ability or inclination to act informally or to find humor or enjoyment in things that others might; stuffy; prim.
vivacious full of life and spirit; animated.