Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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aberration a deviation from what is considered normal or right; irregularity.
abut to adjoin or press against; be next to; border on.
appose to place next to or side by side; juxtapose.
apprise to inform (often followed by "of").
burgeon to start to grow; send forth shoots, leaves, buds, or the like (often followed by "out" or "forth").
cachet prestige.
deracinate to pull up by or as if by the roots; uproot; isolate; exile.
distraught mentally or emotionally unbalanced; crazed.
doggerel trivial, crudely constructed verse.
epicure a person who has cultivated tastes, as in food or wine; connoisseur.
flout to show scorn or contempt for, especially by openly or deliberately disobeying.
frangible easy to break; breakable; fragile.
neophyte a beginner or novice at any activity.
pastiche a work of visual art, music, or literature that consists mostly of materials and techniques borrowed from other works, sometimes done as an exercise to learn the technique of others.
sententious using or marked by pompous, high-flown moralizing.