Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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bustle1 to move rapidly and energetically (often followed by "about").
compass an instrument for showing direction. A typical compass has a moving magnetic needle that points north.
conduct to lead or guide.
exceptional different, unusual, or out of the ordinary.
expand to make larger or wider.
filthy very dirty or foul; nasty.
forbid to give orders that prevent or prohibit.
guitar a stringed instrument with a long neck and five, six, or twelve strings that are strummed or plucked.
hectic marked by hurry, confusion, and too much activity.
liquid a form of matter that flows easily and is neither a solid nor a gas. Liquid can take on the shape of any container it is poured into. Water that is neither vapor nor ice is a liquid.
overwhelm to beat or defeat by greater force; destroy.
satisfaction a pleasant feeling that comes from completing something and doing it well.
solitary being, traveling, or living without others; alone.
taxpayer one who pays or owes taxes.
victor the winner of a contest, battle, argument, or struggle.