Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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acme the highest point, as of attainment; pinnacle.
acrimony bitterness or sharpness in speech or behavior.
altercation a loud or angry argument or quarrel.
atrophy a gradual wasting away of a body part, especially from insufficient use or nourishment.
autopsy a medical examination of a dead body to find the cause of death.
egotistical self-centered or selfish.
frugality prudent or sparing use of resources, especially money.
grandiloquence speech that is pretentious, pompous, or excessively mannered.
imbalance a defect in proportion or balance between elements.
implacable not to be pacified or diverted; unappeasable or inexorable.
languish to lose strength or energy; weaken.
psyche the mental makeup of a person or group.
redundant unnecessarily repetitive.
savory1 having a pleasant taste or smell; appetizing.
visage the face of a person, statue, or the like, especially in regard to its appearance or expression.