Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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bay1 a body of water with land around it but that is open to the sea on one side.
coffin a box in which a dead person is buried.
kick to strike with the foot.
lean1 to bend in a certain direction.
naughty not behaving or obeying.
pant to breathe in quick, short breaths; gasp.
rider a person who is carried by a vehicle or animal.
scene the place where any event takes place.
slot a long, narrow opening into which something may be put.
stain a spot or colored mark.
streak a long, narrow line or mark.
tape a substance made of plastic, cloth, or paper that has glue on one side. It is cut into long, narrow pieces. Tape is used to stick things together.
tasty delicious; having a pleasing flavor.
whose of or belonging to which person or persons.
window an opening in a wall or vehicle that lets in air and light. The opening is usually covered by clear glass.