Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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anticipate to look forward to; expect.
compulsory required or necessary.
correspondent a person who reports news or contributes articles regularly to a newspaper, magazine, TV network, or the like, from a distant area.
discriminate to judge or treat someone unfairly because he or she belongs to a particular group or category of people (usually followed by "against").
edible able to be eaten as food; safe.
hospitable open and receptive.
ignorant without knowledge or education.
infrastructure all the basic systems that have been created in a country, especially through technology and engineering, that allow it to function well and develop. Roads are a very important part of a country's infrastructure. Without roads, it is difficult for people to travel and to work and to move products from one place to another.
inmate someone who is restricted to a jail, hospital, or the like.
mutual felt, said, or done by each for the other; shared by two or more people; given and received.
scald to burn with or as if with a hot liquid or steam.
streamline to alter so as to make simpler or more efficient, compact, or up-to-date.
testify to state or affirm as fact or truth, especially under oath.
transcontinental going or reaching across a continent.
transcribe to write or type a copy or full version of (something dictated or heard, shorthand notes, or the like).