Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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accomplishment something that has been successfully done or completed; an achievement.
arena a stage, ring, or other enclosed area where shows or sports events are held.
athletic having to do with sports and other physical activities.
bashful shy with people; timid.
borrow to take with the promise to return or replace.
chemistry the science that studies the form and function of basic elements and their compounds.
conflict to disagree strongly; differ.
determination the quality of having a firm goal or being determined.
encyclopedia a book or set of books that has information on a wide variety of subjects, or on many aspects of one subject.
explanation the act or process of making clear in speech or writing.
final happening at or being the end of something; last.
lunge a sudden movement toward something; thrust, leap, or dive.
reserve to hold back or save for later use.
rural having to do with country life.
scum a layer of waste matter that forms on the surface of a liquid.