Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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club a heavy stick that is used as a weapon.
connect to join together.
courthouse a building where courts of law and other government offices are located.
cup a small, open container used for drinking.
happiness the feeling of having joy or being glad.
horn a hard, hollow growth on the head of certain mammals. Goats and sheep are some animals that have horns.
jar a round container with a wide mouth. A jar is often made of glass and has a lid.
length the distance from one end of something to the other.
opinion what you think about something or somebody.
rich having a great amount of money or valuable possessions.
snowstorm a storm in which a lot of snow falls. Snowstorms have strong winds.
struggle the act or an instance of making a strong effort to resist or escape, especially by wriggling the body.
terrible causing fear, terror, or horror.
trust to believe that someone is good, honest, or able to be depended on.
win to do the best or come first in a game.