Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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armistice an agreement by groups of people or countries at war to stop fighting; truce.
brusque impolitely abrupt in speech or actions; curt.
cogitate to think over something carefully or at length.
concealment the act of hiding something from sight, or the condition of being hidden from sight.
diligent trying hard and steadily to achieve a goal.
embellishment a beautifying decoration or addition.
humbug something without substance or meaning, such as an idea or argument; nonsense.
incandescent giving off light as a result of being heated.
indeterminate not fixed, clear, or precise; indefinite or uncertain.
knave an unscrupulous person; evildoer.
migratory changing habitat or location periodically, as in response to changes in climate or job opportunities.
pestilence an epidemic, usually deadly, disease; plague.
serenity the condition or quality of being untroubled, peaceful, or tranquil.
shard a piece of a broken object, especially a fragment of pottery or glass.
sunder to tear, force, or break apart; divide.