Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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attend to be present at.
clerk a person who does office work, such as keeping records, finding information, filing, and making copies.
declaration an official or formal announcement or proclamation, or the document containing it.
destroy to ruin completely.
explode to burst because of too much pressure inside.
handicap anything that makes things harder or keeps one from doing better.
handy nearby; easy to reach and use.
intense having a very great degree of something, such as heat, or being in a very great degree or state.
motto a short saying used as a reminder of a belief or rules of behavior.
perspire to give off moisture through the pores of the skin; sweat.
relax to make looser or less stiff.
repetition the act or process of doing or saying again.
scheme a plan or plot.
tend1 to be likely; usually do.
timetable a schedule that lists the times at which certain events take place. People read timetables to find out when trains, buses, or airplanes will arrive or leave.