Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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bedizen to dress or decorate in a flashy, garish fashion.
disinterest lack of bias or self-interest; impartiality.
feign to pretend or fake; put on a false show of.
junta a small group, often of military officers, acting as the rulers of a nation, especially provisionally after the overthrow of a previous government.
nicety a subtle distinction; fine point.
partisan devoted to or favoring a particular cause, group, political party, or the like.
potency the condition of being strong in effect or powerful.
preempt to seize or appropriate ahead of others.
referendum the submission of a legislative measure to a vote by the general public, or the vote thus taken.
sear1 to burn or scorch the outside of.
secrete to produce a fluid or other substance and release it into or out of the body.
simultaneously at the very same time.
sporadic occurring irregularly or in a thinly scattered manner in time or space.
tenure the period of holding or possessing something.
traverse to go over, along, or through; cover or cross.