Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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aloof at a distance; apart.
arc any curved line; anything shaped like a bow or curve.
artistic showing skill and imagination in creating.
cognition the mental acts or processes by which knowledge is acquired or processed.
contingency a future event that is possible but not likely.
economics the study of how goods and services are produced and distributed.
execution the act of executing or carrying out.
format the way in which something is arranged or organized.
increasingly more and more; to a greater and greater degree.
mirage an illusion in which something is seen in the distance but is not really there.
mislead to guide in a wrong direction.
quantify to find or express the number or amount of.
replicate to repeat or duplicate.
tempo the speed at which a musical piece is to be played.
transcription a written or typed copy of something dictated or heard.