Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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amnesty a general pardon given by a government, especially for political offenses.
barter to trade services or things for other services or things without using money.
commerce the buying and selling of goods or services; trade; business.
complementary acting or serving to complete; completing.
component a part of something.
conventional put in place by custom or use; traditional.
decree an official order or decision by a ruler or government.
evolution the process of changing and adapting to an environment over time.
genealogy a chart or record showing the ancestors and lines of hereditary descent of a person or group; family tree.
inappropriate not right or proper for the time or place; not appropriate.
literary having to do with poems, novels, plays, and essays, or those who write or read them.
momentum strength of movement.
morality general beliefs concerning what is right or wrong.
parish a district of a Christian religion that has its own church and priest or minister.
stealth secretive, surreptitious, or covert movement or procedure; sneakiness; furtiveness.