Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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avid having or showing great enthusiasm.
decadence a decline into immorality; loss of moral values.
dignitary one who holds a high office or rank.
dint force or impact.
dote to have or show too much love or affection (usually followed by "on" or "upon").
droll wryly amusing or humorous.
exude to emit or give off from, or as if from, the pores of the skin.
hydraulic of, concerning, operated by, or moved by water or another liquid under pressure.
impiety lack of reverence or respect, especially for what others consider sacred.
inept lacking skill or aptitude; incompetent.
insubstantial lacking firmness or solidity; slight.
invariable not subject to change; consistently the same.
supercilious showing an arrogant disregard, as a look, manner, or person.
temerity reckless or foolish boldness; rash disregard of danger.
tentative not yet fully developed or definitely decided; provisional.