Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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convergent tending to move toward a common point or intersection.
efficacy the ability to produce desired results; effectiveness.
encumber to hinder the normal progress, performance, or use of.
encumbrance something or someone that hinders or burdens; impediment.
fissure a narrow crevice or other opening, especially one caused by splitting.
frugality prudent or sparing use of resources, especially money.
gaffe a crude social error; blunder; faux pas.
inaccessible hard or impossible to reach, approach, or attain.
inept lacking skill or aptitude; incompetent.
pessimism the belief that events will turn out badly; tendency to expect the worst.
populace the people who live in a particular place.
portly rather fat; stout.
presage to be a sign or warning of; portend or foretell.
remonstrance the act or an instance of protesting or objecting.
sodden drenched with liquid; saturated; soaked.