Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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acrid bitter in taste or smell; sharply irritating.
amplitude the state or quality of being ample; largeness.
charlatan one who deceitfully claims to possess a particular skill or expertise; fraud; quack.
courier someone who delivers messages, packages, and the like, especially for a government, military organization, or business.
dignitary one who holds a high office or rank.
fledgling a young bird that has just grown flight feathers or learned to fly.
fulsome offensive, especially because of excessiveness or insincerity.
indiscretion lack of judgment, prudence, or restraint, especially in regard to the rights or feelings of other people.
licentious not within the bounds of morality or propriety, especially with regard to sexual conduct; immoral; lewd.
malady an illness of the body or mind.
malleable capable of being shaped, as by hammering or rolling.
manifold abundant and varied.
obligatory required; compulsory.
singe to burn slightly on the surface, end, or edge.
succinct briefly but clearly stated; concise.