Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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accusation a statement that another person is guilty of a crime or error.
acquit to free from a charge of breaking the law; declare not guilty.
counterpart someone or something that is just like or similar to another.
equivalence the state, fact, or condition of being the same in value, amount, importance, or the like.
familiarity knowledge or understanding of a particular thing.
imprison to put or keep in a prison.
matchless1 being unsurpassed; without peer.
passport an official document that shows that the holder is a citizen of a country. A passport gives one the right to travel in other countries and return to one's own country.
portfolio a collection of unbound papers or other printed material, often constituting a sample of one's professional work, intended to be shown to others and transported from place to place in a specially designed case.
regulatory pertaining to or having the purpose of making or enforcing rules.
relevance connection or importance to the matter in question; pertinence.
silhouette any dark figure seen against a light background, so that details are hard to see.
specialize to devote one's attentions to a specific pursuit or field of study.
speculation the act or process of thinking, wondering, or guessing about something.
verge the border or edge of something.