Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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complex difficult to understand.
donor one who gives or contributes something without expecting anything in return.
ethnic of or relating to a group of people who share the same culture, race, or nationality.
humane showing kindness or mercy.
interpretation the act or process of explaining or understanding the meaning of something.
laden filled with a great weight.
malaria a serious disease carried by mosquitoes that causes chills, fever, and sweating.
negative not helpful or constructive; critical; pessimistic.
outbreak a sudden breaking out or increase in activity of disease.
potential a certain skill that may be developed.
prognosis a forecast of the anticipated course of a disease, especially of the likelihood of recovery.
reform the changing of wrong or bad conditions to make them better.
solely only; for no other reason; completely.
stagnant standing still; motionless.
subsequent coming or happening after; following.