Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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behind in or at the back of; on the other side of.
biscuit a small, round-shaped bread for one person made with baking powder or baking soda instead of yeast. Biscuits are not usually sweet.
bloody covered with or leaking blood.
celebration a party or anything else that people do to honor a special event.
choir a group of people who sing together, especially a group that sings religious music; chorus.
code a set of rules or laws.
farmer a person who grows crops or raises animals on a piece of land.
flap to swing or wave back and forth with a slapping sound.
further comparative of far; at or to a greater distance.
gaze a steady look without blinking.
gentleman a polite man.
motion the act of moving or changing places.
odor a smell, often a bad one.
rain drops of water that form in the clouds and fall from the sky to the earth.
tablet a small, flat, round piece of medicine.