Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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alluvium sand, soil, gravel, or the like deposited by moving water, as along a river bed.
cavalier carefree and offhand; nonchalant.
chary not dispensing freely.
consummate of the highest order or degree.
exegesis a critical explanation or interpretive analysis, especially of religious texts.
extrinsic not inherent or essential; extraneous.
gloaming late evening; dusk; twilight.
glut a greater supply or amount than is needed.
imprimatur any official permission or sanction.
lorgnette eyeglasses, such as opera glasses, that have a short handle by which one holds them in position.
maverick a person who thinks and behaves independently, especially one who refuses to adhere to the orthodoxy of the group to which he or she belongs.
Sabbatarian one who observes the Sabbath on Saturday, as Jews and certain Christians.
stickler one who must observe or conform to something (usually followed by "for").
sylph a slender, graceful woman or girl.
trabeated using horizontal beams or lintels as supports instead of arches.