Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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amend to change or add to a law, contract, or other document.
assert to state with force or confidence.
caliber degree of competence, virtue, or worthiness.
cower to crouch or cringe in fear.
destiny that which has happened or must happen to someone because of fate or luck.
dynamics (used with a plural verb) the driving forces at work in any given system or situation.
excavate to make a hole or hollow place in by digging.
inaccurate not correct, true, or exact.
legislation a law made by a body of government.
rapture great happiness, joy, or ecstasy; bliss.
recommend to present as something that one can have confidence in; present as something good.
resolution strong purpose or determination.
seam a line formed by sewing two pieces of fabric together.
slay to kill deliberately and violently.
subordinate lower in rank or importance; secondary.