Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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accentuate to give more emphasis to; draw attention to.
cancel to do away with; decide against; call off.
consensus general agreement in opinions, values, preferences, or the like.
epidemic an outbreak of disease that spreads rapidly to many people in one area.
equitable characterized by fairness; just.
gale a strong wind of about thirty to sixty miles per hour.
gross rude or disgusting.
hoax an act meant to trick or deceive.
justification something that explains, rationalizes, or defends.
membrane a thin layer of tissue found in living things. Some kinds of membranes cover the outside or inside of organs. Other membranes separate or connect different parts of the body.
mislead to guide in a wrong direction.
psychological of or having to do with psychology.
regardless without concern or thought.
rejection the act of refusing to accept, take, or believe.
sovereign having independent government.