Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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balm a soothing, healing ointment, often fragrant.
charisma an unusual ability to influence people and arouse devotion.
compute to figure out or calculate by using arithmetic.
conjunction a word that connects other words, phrases, clauses, or sentences. "And," "while," and "because" are some conjunctions.
imprison to put or keep in a prison.
infrastructure all the basic systems that have been created in a country, especially through technology and engineering, that allow it to function well and develop. Roads are a very important part of a country's infrastructure. Without roads, it is difficult for people to travel and to work and to move products from one place to another.
overlook to fail to see or notice.
parental of or relating to the role of a mother or father.
participate to take part; share (usually followed by "in").
pesky (informal) pestering or annoying.
progressive moving steadily forward.
relentless without mercy or compassion; unyielding or stern.
romance a love relationship, either in life or in literature or film.
specify to name or otherwise indicate explicitly.
straightforward honest, frank, and trustworthy.