Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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attic the space in a house that is under the roof and over the ceiling of the top floor. People often store things in the attic.
bough a main branch of a tree.
illness the state of being unwell; sickness.
peanut a seed that people eat like a nut but grows under the ground and is in the same family of plants as beans.
physical of the body.
recycle to put used things through a process that allows them to be used again.
respect to give honor to someone; to put someone in a high position in your feelings.
sadness the state or quality of being unhappy.
sell to give something to someone in exchange for money.
spout to force out in a steady stream.
straighten to make or become more even or less bent.
thief a person who steals.
trail a path or course through a forest or other rural place.
unlock to open the lock of something.
wear to have or carry on your body.