Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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cart an open vehicle with two wheels used to carry a heavy load. An animal or a vehicle usually pulls a cart.
dairy a business that makes and sells milk, butter, and cheese.
flood a sudden, strong flow of water onto land that should not be under water.
icicle a long, thin piece of ice that hangs from something.
leaf a flat part of a plant or tree that grows from the stem or branch. A leaf is usually green.
maybe it may be so; perhaps.
miserable very unhappy; wretched.
music pleasant sounds made by voices or instruments.
pill a small piece of medicine that is taken by mouth.
quiet making little or no noise.
secret not seen or known by others; private.
son a person's male child.
swim to move through water by moving parts of the body.
thick large from one side of a surface to the other side; not thin.
voter one who helps decide something in an election by expressing his or her choice.