Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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ancient very old; existing for many years.
choke to stop or prevent the breathing of by squeezing or blocking the windpipe.
conflict to disagree strongly; differ.
district an area of a country, city, or other place used for a particular purpose.
erupt to break or burst out suddenly.
gurgle to flow with a noisy, bubbling sound.
historic important in history.
importance the quality or condition of having great significance or value.
item a single, particular thing in a group or list.
permanent lasting or meant to last for a very long time; everlasting.
reluctance a state of unwillingness or disinclination, often arising from uncertainty or doubt.
reward something of value that is promised to someone for good work or a good deed.
shrill having a high, sharp sound.
suite several things that together form a set or series.
tension the act of stretching or state of being stretched; strain.