Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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agency a company or organization that does business in support of other companies or people. An agency helps people do things that are difficult or complicated to do just by themselves.
ambitious having or showing a strong desire to succeed.
ashamed feeling shame or guilt for doing something wrong or foolish.
collapse to fall down; give way; cave in.
headdress a covering or decoration for the head.
mental of or having to do with the operation of the mind.
patient a person or animal that is getting medical treatment.
prairie a large area of fertile land covered with grass.
pressure a steady force upon a surface.
prickle a small, sharp, pointed growth or extension, such as a plant thorn.
process a series of actions used to produce something or reach a goal.
scholar a person who has much knowledge, usually acquired from research and study.
thaw to go from being a frozen solid to being a soft solid or a liquid.
tote to carry on one's back or in one's arms or hands.
victim someone who is hurt, injured, or killed by a person, group, or event.