Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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accomplishment something that has been successfully done or completed; an achievement.
amaze to surprise greatly or fill with wonder; astonish.
enthusiasm a strong interest or excitement in connection with something.
entry an act or instance of going or coming in.
flutter to wave rapidly back and forth or up and down.
frill an unnecessary or superfluous ornament or luxury.
hassle something that bothers or troubles someone in a small way.
hectic marked by hurry, confusion, and too much activity.
knuckle a joint of a finger.
locate to find the position or place of.
probably quite likely; almost certainly.
propeller a device used to make an airplane or ship move forward. A propeller is made of tilted blades that are attached to and spin around a hub.
tame taken from a wild state and made obedient; domesticated.
twirl to cause to spin or revolve quickly; rotate.
wealth a large amount of money or property or the state of having such.