Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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adjoin to be next to; border on.
finesse refined and delicate skill or tact in executing a task or coping with a situation.
grandiloquence speech that is pretentious, pompous, or excessively mannered.
imperturbable not easily excited or disturbed; calm.
lucrative producing monetary gain; profitable.
melodrama behavior or events, in reality or fiction, with similarly exaggerated features or effects.
momentous very important.
ostentatious done or designed with the intention of impressing others and consequently overly showy or grandiose; pretentious.
perfectionist one who tends not to be satisfied with less than flawless performance from herself or himself.
posterior located behind or toward the back of something.
premeditate to consider, plan, or arrange in advance.
propagate to reproduce (offspring) or cause to reproduce.
turncoat one who changes from one party, allegiance, or the like, to the opposite, especially a traitor.
ungovernable unable to be governed, ordered, or controlled; uncontrollable.
vigil a watch or period of surveillance, especially one kept during normal sleeping hours.