Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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backfire to have results that are the opposite of what one wanted.
cuisine a particular type of cooking, especially that of a particular region, or the food in general that is prepared in this way.
discrepancy lack of agreement; difference; inconsistency.
distend to swell or cause to swell from, or as if from, internal pressure; balloon.
imminent about to happen or likely to happen soon.
immobile standing or holding still; not moving; motionless.
instrumental serving as an agent or partial cause.
melodrama behavior or events, in reality or fiction, with similarly exaggerated features or effects.
precipitous very steep or sudden; rising or dropping abruptly.
recumbent lying down; reclining.
retard to cause (growth, development, or the like) to be slow or incomplete; stunt.
shackle a metal band or one of a pair of metal rings used to bind the wrist or ankle of a prisoner or animal.
succinct briefly but clearly stated; concise.
surreptitious made, performed, or achieved by stealth or in secret.
underscore to emphasize by, or as if by, drawing a line beneath.