Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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amateur one who does something only for enjoyment rather than for money.
combat fighting, especially against an enemy in war.
disappointment the feeling of being unhappy because what was wished or hoped for did not happen.
griddle a flat pan or flat heated surface used in cooking.
hermit a person who lives alone and away from others. Often a person becomes a hermit in order to lead a religious life.
lipstick a cosmetic for coloring the lips. It usually comes in stick form inside a tube.
lumber1 logs cut into boards or beams for use in building.
media the means of distributing information to large numbers of people, through newspapers, magazines, radio, and television.
merriment lighthearted and happy enjoyment, especially in the company of others; gaiety; mirth.
reliability the quality of being dependable.
select preferred over others.
tighten to make more secure or more securely fastened.
vast very large in size or area.
venture an activity or undertaking in which there is risk or the result is not certain.
wit (often plural) the ability to understand, think, or know.