Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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advice an idea or opinion that someone gives to help you decide.
basic necessary as a base. Things that are basic need to be learned first or done first.
color a quality of light as our eyes see it. Red, blue, and yellow are some colors.
costume clothing worn to make one look like some other person, animal, or thing.
crawl to move along the ground on the hands and knees.
crop plants grown on a farm.
curious eager to learn or know.
dairy a business that makes and sells milk, butter, and cheese.
dead no longer alive.
dream an event in which changing pictures or images come into your mind as you sleep.
fuss activity or attention that is not necessary.
nonsense words that have no meaning or make no sense.
person a human being.
trip the act of traveling from one place to another.
water the clear liquid that is in rain and that fills up rivers, lakes, and oceans.