Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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bloodshot red and irritated because of enlarged blood vessels.
brink the edge or brim of a slope or cliff.
chemistry the science that studies the form and function of basic elements and their compounds.
comment a written or spoken statement of opinion.
darken to make more shadowy or less light.
deception the act of causing someone to believe something that is not true.
gait a way of walking or running.
immediate happening right away; instant.
lifeline an anchored line or rope thrown to support a person in danger of drowning or falling.
mammoth a very large extinct mammal closely related to elephants. Mammoths were much bigger than elephants, and had shaggy black fur and long tusks that curved upward. Several kinds of mammoths lived in the Northern Hemisphere until the end of the last Ice Age.
religion a set of beliefs about how the universe was made and what its purpose is. Religion usually involves worship of a god or gods, and the belief in certain ideas about right and wrong behavior.
reward something of value that is promised to someone for good work or a good deed.
semester one half of a school or college year.
text the body of a printed work as distinguished from its title, headings, notes, and the like.
warehouse a large building or other place where products or private goods are stored.