Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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accrue to grow or accumulate over time, especially as something of benefit.
epoch an important period in human history.
inaccessible hard or impossible to reach, approach, or attain.
infatuation the condition of being deprived of judgment by an irrational or foolish attachment to someone or something.
misconception an error in understanding; wrong notion or idea.
neutrality the foreign policy of a nation that refuses to take sides in an international dispute.
overture an opening move to begin something.
propitious offering favorable circumstances or conditions; opportune; promising.
redeem to make up for; balance.
reminiscence something that is remembered; memory or impression.
retaliate to strike back; take revenge.
rue1 to regret, repent of, or feel sorry about.
scrutinize to look at closely and carefully, with attention to detail.
sentient having the capacity to receive sensations; able to perceive.
verity the quality or condition of being true or real.