Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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aggressive mean and unfriendly in one's actions; ready to argue or start fights.
compliant willing to cooperate or agree; accommodating.
corporate of or relating to a corporation.
deliberate said or done on purpose.
discharge to shoot or fire off.
disciple one who follows a leader or teacher; pupil.
excavate to make a hole or hollow place in by digging.
fabulous almost impossible to believe; amazing.
glower to look or stare with sullenness, anger, or animosity; scowl.
nook a corner of a room or a small area set off from a main room.
obstacle something that stops forward movement or progress.
slander a false statement or statements made to hurt someone's reputation, or the act of making such statements.
tempt to try to get (someone) to do something wrong or not wise by offering or seeming to offer something very desirable.
uncertainty the condition or quality of being unsure or doubtful.
venom the poison that certain snakes, insects, scorpions, and other animals produce. Venom is put into prey by biting or stinging.