Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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accustomed in the habit of (usually followed by "to").
alternative one of two or more choices.
bountiful willing to give plenty; generous.
data facts, figures, or other pieces of information that can be used to learn about something. The word "data" is the plural form of "datum," but is often used with a singular verb.
forsake to leave or desert.
gluttonous inclined to eat excessively; voracious.
infection the act of infecting or an instance or condition of being infected.
inflame to stir up or intensify.
instructional pertaining to or having the purpose of teaching or providing information on a topic.
insure to guarantee against loss or harm with an insurance policy.
occasional happening now and then or not too often.
redirect to guide to a different destination or by a different route.
reference the act or fact of mentioning.
sham an imitation that is passed as genuine; counterfeit.
voluntary acting from or done by choice.