Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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creative able to make or do something new or with imagination.
elevation the height to which something rises or is raised, or its height above sea level or ground level.
expand to make larger or wider.
manufacture to make by machine in a large quantity.
mumble to speak low and in a way that is not easy to understand; mutter.
phase a particular stage in a cycle of development or process of change.
probable likely to happen or be true.
ramble to wander or stroll without any particular goal; roam.
rove to wander widely, without a fixed destination; roam.
sizable of large size or quantity; big.
sustainable of or related to a method of managing or using a resource so that the resource is never used up or forever damaged.
swerve to change direction suddenly; turn quickly; veer.
truth agreement with the facts or what is real.
ultimately at the farthest or last point in a progression; finally; in the end.
worth good or important enough for.