Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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adulation extreme or excessive praise.
detriment harm, injury, or loss.
illicit not permitted by custom or law; illegitimate.
ingrate an ungrateful person.
multiplicity a large number; abundance.
populous having a large population.
ravenous very hungry; starved.
reformatory a corrective institution for disciplining and re-educating young offenders.
retrograde moving or tending to move in a backward direction; retreating.
scrimmage a vigorous struggle; scuffle.
stark in all respects; total; extreme.
titular having a title but none of the power or responsibility related to it; nominal.
totality the state or quality of being total.
vituperate to condemn sharply; blame; berate.
vivacity the characteristic or state of being vivacious; liveliness; sprightliness; animation.