Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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convenient easily used for someone's needs, purposes, or comfort; useful.
disc any thin, flat, round object, or one that appears flat and round.
educator a person who teaches.
embarrassed feeling uncomfortable because of shame or receiving too much attention from others.
examine to look at closely and carefully.
froth any collection of bubbles formed on a liquid.
paragraph a part of something written made up of one or more sentences that develop a certain idea. A paragraph begins on a new line which is usually indented from the other lines.
patriotic feeling or showing love for and loyalty to one's country.
personally in person; without the aid of others.
priest a person who is authorized by a church to lead prayers and religious services.
skill the power or ability to perform a task well, especially because of training or practice.
sympathy kind understanding and concern for others when they are sad, suffering, or having trouble.
trinket a small piece of jewelry or other object used for decoration, usually inexpensive.
waggle to sway, shake, or move unsteadily from side to side; wobble.
wardrobe a collection of clothes or costumes that is the property of one person or of a theater.