Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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beg to ask a favor of; to plead for.
cage a space closed in by wires or bars and used to hold animals.
care serious attention.
dodge to avoid something by moving quickly aside or changing direction.
hurry to move or act with speed.
ill not healthy; sick.
invitation the act of asking someone in a polite way to come to something or do something.
mask a covering that hides all or part of the face.
oil a slippery liquid that comes from minerals, animals, plants, or chemicals.
order a direction or command.
spine the set of bones that go down the center of the back of a human or animal.
stack a neat pile with one thing on top of another.
stray to wander away from a group or place.
stroke a single mark made in writing or painting, or the act of making such a mark.
wait to stay in one place until an expected event happens.