Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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adoption the act of becoming the legal parent of a child who is not one's biological offspring.
aide any assistant or person who gives support.
budge to change or begin to change position slightly.
clerk a person who does office work, such as keeping records, finding information, filing, and making copies.
draft a rough piece of writing that needs more work; sketch.
droop to hang or sink down; bend in a limp manner.
exclusively with all others left out or not included; only; solely.
gasp a sudden, brief taking in of air through the mouth, because of surprise or difficulty breathing.
glee a feeling of delight or joy.
obviously in a way that is easy to see or understand; clearly.
origin the point or place from which something comes; source.
ruthless having no mercy or sympathy; cruel.
scenery the way the land looks in a particular place.
unable not having the power, skill, or means needed to do something; not able.
whisk to brush off or carry off with, or as though with, a quick, light sweep of the hand or a brush.